If You Would Like To Sponsor A Baby~

If you would like to sponsor a baby please contact Kimberley at timnkim@gmail.com
Please tell her which baby or babies you would like to sponsor and for what amount. She will have a picture and a sponsor sidebar link sent to you. She also will instruct you as to how to make your monthly donations.
If you would like to make a one time donation, simply click the Pink Starfish Link on the sidebar. It will take you to GroundSpring where you can make your on-line donation.
Thank you and may God bless you and may God bless the children.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 Starfish Calendars

Did you know that January is the biggest month for buying calendars?  So this is for all the procrastinators, the ones who join me in the exclusive if-it-is not-the-last-moment-it-is-not-getting-done club.  We still have some calendars available to reach our goal.

So here is the information again:

2)  The calendars cost $30 each retail.   International shipping rates:  $13.00     US shipping rates  $5.00 Please note that this is an American Holiday format.  We will try some other countries next year.
50% of the cost of the calendars will be donated to to Starfish Children's Services (EIN number 20-4682916) and goes directly to our medical fund which pays for life altering surgeries such as heart, spina bifida and shunts for babies with hydrocephalus and other general surgeries.
3)  Pay pal account information.  michelle@bindandremember.com
To order your calendar, go to www.paypal.com
It is easy to quickly set up an account with paypal and use a credit card to purchase immediately.
If you have your paypal account linked to a bank account, it takes 3-5 days to create the account
Once your account is set up, log in and follow prompts to send money to michelle@bindandremember.com
IMPORTANT Select "Personal" & "Gift" or "Other" to avoid paypal fees to Starfish Include in the message box your complete address
For questions and discounts on orders of 3 or more calendars, contact Michelle at michelle@bindandremember.com   801-529-6850

Life, love and laughter,

At Starfish, we have taken care of 124 children to date, arranged more than 130 surgeries and had 53 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest adoption was to Finland, the land of Santa, the reindeer and the North Pole right before Christmas.  We currently have 42 babies under the age of 3.  

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

Email: throwingstarfish0913@gmail.com
Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Starfish 2011 Calendar

At Starfish, we take so many pictures each year of the babies.  This year we thought of sharing some of the pictures by making a calendar. The second reason is that we want to use this to fund raise for our medical fund in order to help more babies with medical cost for their surgeries.  If you are interested to take a look at what this calendar looks like please click on the following link. My most grateful thanks to Michelle for putting this together so fast and for sharing her talents to help the babies.

2)  The calendars cost $30 each retail.   International shipping rates:  $13.00     US shipping rates  $5.00 Please note that this is an American Holiday format.  We will try some other countries next year.
50% of the cost of the calendars will be donated to to Starfish Children's Services (EIN number 20-4682916) and goes directly to our medical fund which pays for life altering surgeries such as heart, spina bifida and shunts for babies with hydrocephalus and other general surgeries.
3)  Pay pal account information.  michelle@bindandremember.com
To order your calendar, go to www.paypal.com
It is easy to quickly set up an account with paypal and use a credit card to purchase immediately.
If you have your paypal account linked to a bank account, it takes 3-5 days to create the account
Once your account is set up, log in and follow prompts to send money to michelle@bindandremember.com
IMPORTANT Select "Personal" & "Gift" or "Other" to avoid paypal fees to Starfish Include in the message box your complete address
For questions and discounts on orders of 3 or more calendars, contact Michelle at michelle@bindandremember.com   801-529-6850

Life, love and laughter,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Adoption 35: Justin to Holland

On July 19th we got three babies from the orphanage, Justin, Josie and Joseph.  As I mentioned before the three J babies.  Justin weighed a whopping 5 and a 1/4 pounds or 2.35 kg. There were two very obvious things about him besides his size.  He was missing his hand below his elbow and he had a big mouth.  He remember he ate a lot and slept even more.  I tried to take Chinese New Year pictures of him and I just wrapped him in a red cloth and took some pictures.

He slept in the window on one of the bassinets and for the first few months he was hardly out of that area because he was asleep. Slowly but sure he started to leave his corner and out popped this boy with the best smile you have ever seen.  He was so friendly and easy going from the beginning and would let any one hold him. It was really interesting to see him use his little arm.  The hand was spontaneously amputated in the womb and from what I understand it is a result of malnourishment.  These strings form and once it get caught around a limb it is strong enough to cut it off.  He was not deterred! His one hand would hold his bottle and his little arm would stabilize it on the other side.  His answer to crawling was to scoot along the floor and boy could he move.  As he started walking he would hold out both his arms for balance.  Soon he was walking well and he would tuck things under his arm. I loved the fact that he has not stressed by not having a hand.  It was just so normal to him.  Kids are simply amazing in their ability to adapt.

That big mouth soon became a cause for a Colgate toothpaste commercial. Stunning is the only word I could use.

Soon all his paperwork was in Beijing and we got the news that he had a family but we had no idea where.  One day the Big O asked me to fill in some paperwork about Justin and I saw at the end of the page the name of the Dutch adoption services and I knew he was going to the Netherlands. I am sure his parents must have been so surprised at the load of information that arrived.  We had a whole lot of Dutch volunteers here.  So Justin's nanny  got the reputation for sending her babies to the Netherlands.  It was Starfish's fourth baby in Holland and Xiao Liu was the nanny to three of them.

Justin became Youp which is part of his Chinese name with an added P.  He is also the younger brother of a sister who also comes from China.

Life, love and laughter,

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 118 children to date, arranged more than 100 surgeries and had 45 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest 5 adoptions took place recently and now we have a second baby in Sweden and in Spain.  We also have three more babies in the US.  We currently have 45 babies under the age of 3 and three foster homes our count is dropping as we prepare to move to a new facility. 

Email: throwingstarfish0913@gmail.com
Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pictures of the "New" Starfish House.....HELP needed!

We could use all of the VOLUNTEER help that we can get!  Please let us know if you can help!

Life,  Love, and Laughter,


Monday, August 23, 2010

Looking For Skilled Volunteers

After being in the same place for five years STARFISH has to move.  We have found a house which is really suitable for us, but needs some major work and we found out yesterday that we will be able to move in there, but before that happens we have to renovate.  In order to do that, I will need some major help.  Do you perhaps know a plumber, electrician, handyman experienced do-it-yourselfer that will be willing to come to China for a month or two and come and help us get this new place ready for the babies?  

Time is of the essence and I will need someone as soon as possible.  Nothing like having a plan and giving you a long lead time. As one of my favorite adages teaches:  IF IT WAS NOT FOR THE LAST MINUTE NOTHING WOULD GET DONE!

For all the people in China, do you perhaps know if any companies that do construction and decoration that would like to make a donation in China to Starfish, please put us in touch. We could even use samples of household products and appliances, we are going to need air conditioners for sure. If you can think of anything that could be useful to us, I would like to know.

Life, love and laughter,

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 118 children to date, arranged more than 100 surgeries and had 38 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest adoptions took place recently and now we have a fifth baby in Holland and our first baby in Washington State. We have also added another baby to our count in Holland.  We currently have 51 babies under the age of 3 and three foster homes. We have fifteen  babies matched and we are waiting for their families to come and get them.

Email: throwingstarfish0913@gmail.com
Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Friday, August 6, 2010

More Cleft Mission Pictures!


James and River on the train

Joseph post op


Kathryn and Angela



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Starfish Cleft Medical Teams

Soon after I came back from New York, we got ready for 23 cleft palate surgeries in two different places before the end of July.  I am so grateful to all the people who donated to this very worthy cause.  There are so many people that have to cooperate to make this happen. Sometimes it works better than others, but the only thing that I keep in mind is that the children are my primary concern and they are the one's whose lives will be changed.

Getting cleft lip and palate surgeries for so many children is one of my favorite things to do. I absolute love seeing their lips repaired. Often I can hardly recognize them when they come back from surgery. I have to admit the repaired cleft palate is not as dramatic a change but an important one none the less.  The milk stops squirting out of their noses, but even more important is the fact that there is now a palate for the tongues to push against as they start to talk, which is why it is very important to get the palates done as soon as they turn one.

I am somewhat crazy in my desire to get the babies to the best doctors that I can and that means I travel across China to get the babies to the best care that I am capable of.  This time we could not get airplane tickets for so many children and so we took the train.  We traveled in a group of 15 kids and 19 adults. There were no sleepers hard or soft and we were forced to take the hard seats.  I hated doing this, because I knew how difficult this would be.  It is really hard to be on the train for the normal 22 hours it takes and let me tell you Chinese people know about hard beds and seats.  It is extremely uncomfortable to sleep. Little did I know what would happen next:  We were on the train for 52 hours!  What a marathon train trip to go down in history and  be talked about for years! At one point at three in the morning I ran out of drinking water and there was none on the train, and that meant there was not enough milk for the children.  We were low on milk powder and the toilets were backing up because there was no water for sanitation. It was really U-G-L-Y. The reason this happened was that an enormous amount of rain had fallen and caused a mudslide and flood.  We stopped for 8 hours and then when we tried to go back, there was another mudslide behind us. The best thing that happened is that we got some beds and I sent the smallest babies to the beds and the caretakers got some sleep, which saved their sanity.  The babies had done really badly in the seats and did not sleep well. I have never eaten so many instant noodles in my life.  That is the most popular food in China.

We finally made it to Hangzhou and there Dr Lisa Buckmiller and her medical team were waiting for us at the Operation Smile Hospital. I am grateful that so many people got to work together for the good of the children.  When things got really tough on the train all I kept thinking is that at the end there is such great help available for the kids.  We had four children from the Yulin orphanage, six from the Luoyang Maria's House, three poor families and then eight babies from Starfish.  One of the kids was not able to get surgery because of a liver condition and so we did 20 cleft lip and palates.  Two of the children had surgery in Yulin.

I love the fact the our latest arrivals Angela and Kathryn got their lips repaired and that they look so different.  Angela was the most placid baby on the trip. Not only that, but she almost picked up a pound (.39kg) in the last week.  That is so amazing for a baby that has just had lip surgery as they usually loose weight. She hardly cried where as Kathryn fussed for the both of them.  Six other babies got their palates fixed (James, River, Joseph, Karl, Olivia and Aaron).  Olivia wins the prize for Miss Congeniality, she charmed every one. Now we have three weeks of arm bands and boy is that a struggle for the older babies.  They cannot put anything hard into their mouths and are eating soft food only. You are always worried about them falling and the lip or palate bursting open.

There are so many people to thank:  Dr. Lisa and her team ( Dr. Robert Glade, Dr. Patti Kymer, Dr. Robert McLean, Ginnie England, Charlie Phol, Samuel Yu, Jessica Boswell, Matthew, Abby Nolder and Chris Robbins).  My most grateful thanks to all the volunteers who went with the babies on this epic journey did not give up even though the going got really tough. We had Chinese, Dutch and Americans working together and taking care of the babies. Thank you to all the donors who were so generous so that babies could have their surgeries.  Thank you to Jeannie Butler and Annabelle's Wish for your contribution.  You have all made a difference in the life of a child.  God bless you all for your willingness to help these babies of ours.

Life, love and laughter,

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 112 children to date, arranged more than 100 surgeries and had 36 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest took place recently and we now have  baby in Virginia.  We have also added baby another baby to our count in Holland.  We currently have 47 babies under the age of 3 and three foster homes. We have fifteen  babies matched and we are waiting for their families to come and get them.

Email: throwingstarfish0913@gmail.com
Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Monday, August 2, 2010

Adoption 31: Stewart to France

I was in the US when I heard the news that Stewart was being adopted.  It was a huge surprise.  We have had three adoptions to France and every time I was in the US and missed them all:  Sean, Breanna and  now Stewart.

A French family had come to China and disrupted their first adoption.  The CCAA had to replace the baby with another and Stewart was available and so they chose him.   At the moment I do not know his new name or where in France Stewart went. Unlike most of the Dutch families, the French families do not speak much English, so the communication is really hard.

Stewart came to Starfish on April 1st, 2009 in a batch of eight babies, seven of them were heart babies. The first few months were really tough.  He did not eat well and had a really bad skin condition.  Lila, our volunteer loved on him and help him so much in the beginning.  Slowly but surely he got stronger and with in a few months he was hitting his developmental stages and with that he started eating more and more.  When we did the echo a few months later to diagnose what the heart condition was, much to our delight, Stewart's heart had healed and he then went from a special needs baby to a non special needs (NSN). We never really know what is going to happen with the NSN babies.  Everything remains a mystery up to the last moment. 

Stewart turned out to be such a fabulous story of a little boy who survived an orphanage and then later thrived with us and landed up with a family in France.  At Starfish we filled our purpose and that was to keep him safe until his family came to get him.

A bientot,  mon ami.  (that was my best French)

Life, love and laughter,

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 112 children to date, arranged more than 100 surgeries and had 36 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest took place recently and we now have another baby in Virginia.  We have also added another baby to our count in Holland.  We currently have 47 babies under the age of 3 and three foster homes. We have fifteen  babies matched and we are waiting for their families to come and get them.

Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Monday, July 26, 2010

Starfish Adoption 30: Antonia, now called KARINE

As you might remember I wrote about the way that we expanded in February 2009 with the orphanage calling me and asking if I could take some more babies.  Five days later, Antonia and eight other cleft lip and palate babies arrived at Starfish. Antonia was the oldest of them  at 11 months.  I was so amazed that she was not able to roll over, hold her bottle or do anything.  She also weighed 5 kg (11 pounds) which was so small.  Like Bryan and Tim she started to drink the milk and would drink so much.  Some days it was more than 60 ounces of milk. Between the three of them they ate me out of house and home but I was so delighted to see how well they picked up weight.  They were neck and neck in the race to get to 10kg and finally Antonia won that race.  She was the" first" one to roll over, hold her bottle, crawl, the first one to walk and so it went. The one thing I remember is the kids all getting chicken pox soon after they got here.  I have the best picture of Antonia with calamine lotion on her face.

Soon she was well enough to get lip surgery.  I took her to a famous plastic surgeon in Xian for her lip surgery that had been recommended. He did a good job, but taped her face like a face lift patient.  I was so stunned to see her face.  She looked like she had been in a bar fight. In April this year we arranged for her to go to the Operations Smile Hospital in Hangzhou where she had her palate repaired.

We were so delighted to hear that she was going to Canada and that she was going to have two older brothers. Her family came to get her on May 10th.  Her new name is now Karine and from what I hear things are going well with her new family.  

Life, love and laughter,

Nick, Bryan and Nick

Antonia and her nanny

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 112 children to date, arranged more than 100 surgeries and had 35 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and in China.  Our latest four adoptions took place in two weeks and we now babies in three new US states:  Massachusetts, Colorado and Missouri.  We also added another baby to our count in Holland.  We currently have 47 babies under the age of 3 and three foster homes. We have eleven babies matched and we are waiting for their families to come and get them.

Cell: 86.1348.812.4847

Monday, July 19, 2010

From Our Man Kristian in Denmark

Hi Amanda

I would like to write to you,  from a sunny and warm Denmark. I hope you are doing good in China with all the new babies.

I am doing so good! I already understand a lot of the Danish language and I can also say a lot of Danish words. I can say cars, no, more, thank you etc. (all, of course, in Danish) I love to dance to music, I can set the table and help my mom to do the dishwasher (sometimes it helps and sometime it does notJ) I also help my daddy cutting the grass. But most of the time I LOVE to play with LEGO® and I have a lot of it!

We have been to a local fun-park two times, and I really love the roller coaster, the more the better.

When my daddy is at work, my mom and I often go for a walk or we go by bike. We live not far away from the ocean (2 kilometers), and I think it is very funny to throw stones in the water and to build sandcastles. Sometimes I get totally wet, but it is so FUN!

I have been to the hairdresser twice, I have been to the doctor for check and vaccination. I have also had my ears checked, and the doctor found out, that I have a hole in my ear drum. Do you by any chance remember if I had any kind of drain in my ears when I was at Starfish? Oh by the way my mother thinks that I also can say “starfish” and we found one at the beach the other day.

I sleep from 8.00 pm to 8.00am and I get a 1 hour nap in the afternoon. I eat almost everything I am offered. The other day I learned to eat ice creme, and I got a big one. In the beginning of my time I Denmark I did not like rice, but the other day my mom tried again, and now I like it.

Now I will finish my email. Give all my love to everyone that I now at “Starfish”, and please tell the new babies not to cry, because I know they are in good hands!! Also a great hug to you from my mom and dad!!

All my love to you
Kristian (your Tim)