If You Would Like To Sponsor A Baby~

If you would like to sponsor a baby please contact Kimberley at timnkim@gmail.com
Please tell her which baby or babies you would like to sponsor and for what amount. She will have a picture and a sponsor sidebar link sent to you. She also will instruct you as to how to make your monthly donations.
If you would like to make a one time donation, simply click the Pink Starfish Link on the sidebar. It will take you to GroundSpring where you can make your on-line donation.
Thank you and may God bless you and may God bless the children.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Starfish Swimming Party

As you know it is summer in China.  I loved these pictures of the Starfish Swim Party!!  The babies faces were just priceless!

Life, love and laughter,

Starfish Children's Services
US Tax Number:  20-4682916
Xian China

At Starfish, we have taken care of 112 children to date, arranged more than 80 surgeries and had 31 international adoptions, so our little starfishes live all over the globe: the US, Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain and in China.  Our latest four adoptions took place in two weeks and we now have babies in three new places: Sweden, Denmark and Canada and a new US state, Georgia.  We currently have 52 babies under the age of 3 and two foster homes. We have ten babies matched and we are waiting for their families to come and get them.

New email: throwingstarfish0913@gmail.com